Tag Archives: writing

What Are You Reading?

People often ask what I’m reading. Who my favorite authors are, what topics I like to read about. Unequivocally, I love reading mysteries, because I love solving puzzles, unravelling riddles. My love of mysteries started young and hasn’t stopped. And I suspect that won’t change any time soon.

But that aside, I enjoy reading other works by a variety of authors. Experts say (and I agree), reading in quantity and breadth will improve your writing. Since I’m all for refining my skills, I read as much as I can.

The month of May opened with two cool celebrations, Children’s Book Week and Teacher Appreciation Week. Stories in the news and online made me think of my childhood reading habits and how they affected where I’m at today.

I don’t remember a time when books didn’t surround me. Thank goodness. My mom and dad read me so many wonderful stories: Francis the Bear, Curious George, Just So Stories. And my dad made up incredible tales of his own. He captivated my brothers and me with sagas of The Land of the Kingdom of The Land of the Kingdom of Wuff, fruit that fell upwards off trees, tse-tse bushes and elves. I remember we’d beg him every night to tell us more about his make-believe world.

First my parents and later my teachers helped grow my love of reading, learning, adventure. Sure, as a kid I had my moments, but then—and now—I put my nose in a book when I want to learn something new, experience a new location or solve the mysteries of someone’s life.

What began as a child’s obsession—I fell in love with the Nancy Drew mysteries (with a penname of Carolyn Keene, how could I not?)—continued as a young adult’s, then a grown woman’s. After I tore through those teen adventures, I moved on to Grandma’s Agatha Christie and Ellery Queen novels. Hooked from the start, it seems.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe reading is a substitute for living; it simply opens up worlds I might otherwise not experience first-hand. Reading is a door to new discoveries. In many instances, though, I learned how to do new things, then I went out and did them. Now in writing about those experiences, I can share my adventures and maybe encourage someone else to explore.

Take Emerald Obsession. Six years ago, I found myself in dire need of a relaxing vacation. I’d read about one of the Bahamian Out Islands, Eleuthera, and decided that would fit the bill. Did it ever! It remains one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever visited. And its beauty, culture and vibe inspired me to write Emerald Obsession, which became my first published mystery novel. Talk about freakin’ cool.

Eleuthera Sunset
Eleuthera Sunset
Sharks in Eleuthera
Sharks in Eleuthera

I’m in the throes of writing Book 2 in the Found Mystery Series. I’m calling it TB for now. This, too, is partly set in the Caribbean, and all I can say is the more research I do, the more I’m jonesing to travel again. I can’t wait!

So, before I sign off and head back to the Turks and Caicos with TB, I’d like to leave you with two thoughts.

First, a couple of my favorite* reads: And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie. Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier. The Murders in the Rue Morgue, Edgar Allan Poe. Everything written by Michael Crichton. Along Came a Spider, James Patterson. Ice Cold, Tess Gerritsen.

(*Hard to say “favorite,” because I have so damn many.)

Second, this weekend marks the celebration of Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer here in the States. For many folks, this translates into the first weekend to laze on the beach with a good book. However, Memorial Day is also a time to reflect on the lost lives of the service men and women who fought for our country’s freedom. Whatever your beliefs, men and women died fighting for us and our country, and I respect and am grateful for their service.

I wish you all happy and enjoyable weekends. And please consider sharing your favorite books and what you’re reading now in the comment section below. I always appreciate suggestions for new reads. : )

Sunlight through trees

5 Writing Tips for a Spring Refresh

Spring’s here, and I’m so glad. Signs of a refresh are everywhere: budding trees, longer days, spring training. Life reinvigorating itself. Noticing the new season’s changes made me take a closer look at my writing routines. And that prompted a question.

How do I spruce up my writing habits to better manage everything that needs doing?

That’s the rub, isn’t it? Every day in a writer’s life is about more than the words on the page. What happens when it’s time to refresh not only your words, but the habits that frame your writing? I’m sure you can relate. Like others in charge—of households, businesses, et cetera—now that I’m the boss (ha, I like that one), I juggle more tasks than just the basics. My time is split between doing what I love and doing what makes my business grow.

When I published my first novel, I went from simple wordsmith to: website designer, book marketer, blogger and social media content provider, office manager, accountant and help desk technician (yes, I’m awful at that last role).

With all these parts to play, often on a daily basis, how do you keep up? Especially when you have a day job and a life that requires at least marginal attention.

Since taking on these additional duties, I’ve struggled with how to make sure everything gets done, well and reasonably on time. Wearing several hats isn’t new to me, but being the boss is. I’m the one responsible for my business, and being in charge requires a heightened level of discipline.

Now that I work as a professional writer, I’ve discovered how to make my routine manageable.

Here are my top five strategies for organizing my writing and business habits:

1—Practice writing 5 days a week. Many sources (and famous writers) say to write every day. I’d love to, but that doesn’t work for me. Does that mean I’m a lousy writer? No. Will it take me longer than some to improve or get ahead? Maybe. But I’ve recognized my limitations, and for now, writing seven days a week rarely happens. I’ll still try, but I won’t beat myself up for missing a day. There’s enough pressure on, and all those other hats need wearing, too. As always, pick your battles.

2—Vary where, when and how you write. Sometimes I’m on my computer in my home office. Other times, at one of the coffee shops downtown. I type on my laptop outside. I grab one of my ever-present notebooks and write longhand, preferably in blue ink (blue makes me happier than black). I write in the morning, afternoon, evening and middle of the night, though not usually in the same day. The upshot: write when- and wherever you can.

3—Work with a critique group. I mentioned mine in my post, “Under Pressure.” I cannot stress enough the huge help those guys are, nor the support they give on many levels: sounding board for story ideas, insights into the writing business, founts of info and resources, and obviously critiques and camaraderie, which I absolutely need. Family, friends, loved ones…all crucial in life, but other writers? Sanity when you think you’ve lost it.

4—Make friends with a content marketing editorial calendar. Mine’s on the lean side at the moment, but it’s enough to keep me on track with the big-ticket items, like blogging and marketing. There’s nothing like seeing what needs doing in black-and-white (or blue-and-white, in my case) to keep me accountable. Hello, whiteboard, my old friend. You can add in dates for financial reporting, ordering supplies, whatever you need so you stick to a schedule. Here’s a calendar source to check out. I don’t endorse or use their products, nor get compensation for the mention, I just found useful info there. Find what works for you.

5—Embrace a To Do List. On a smaller scale, you’ll usually find me with my To Do List somewhere handy. My editorial calendar lives on my office wall, letting me see the month at a glance and know my basic tasks, while my To Do List drills into the down-and-dirty, like specifying details for a contest submission or picking up research materials at the library. When I feel overwhelmed, I’ll even write down something I’ve finished, just for the relief of crossing anything off my list. Yes, I’m one of those people. : P

So there you have it, a few things that keep me mostly on the straight-and-narrow. Do they work all the time? Hell, no. But they’re helping, for sure.

What about you, readers, writers, fans and friends? What are the writing and business habits that work for you? How often do you revisit your routine? I’d love to hear what keeps you motivated, so leave a comment below or shoot me an email. Thanks for reading and please share.
