Monthly Archives: December 2022

Starting Fresh. Again.

A Fresh Day

So. A little bit of time has passed between my posts once again. Shocker. 😉 For those of you rejoining me here as I’m starting fresh, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Many of you have followed my story online since I created my website and started blogging in 2015. Just before then, I’d done a major life reset by leaving my job of 16+ years, moving solo from NYC to Florida, and publishing my first adventure-mystery novel.

That’s what I call a pretty good reset. A pretty eye-opening one, too.

I’d spent most of my life prior in a semi-content stasis with little large-scale change, and oftentimes loaded with feelings of boredom and loneliness. That first major reset has been hugely wonderful—not without problems, of course—but worth the world to me.

Something I tried to learn from that shift is how to be comfortable with change.

Because periodically since then, I’ve been hitting that reset button. Write and publish novels? Ding! Insinuate myself into the design and construction fields? Ding! Design and renovate fixer homes? Ding! Which of late has been both my major time draw and my creative outlet. Utterly challenging, utterly rewarding.

And now, close to 10 years later, I’m facing another potentially huge reset. In some ways, I feel I’ve come full-circle, because I’m now able to refocus on writing. This came about in a frustrating, wacky way—and let me tell you, it’s been a year, again—but I’m working on my flexibility and am focusing my creativity once more on writing. It feels a little like coming home. 🙂

So, starting fresh for me, with this, certainly isn’t starting from scratch. More, it’s revisiting where my heart took me before, and finding new avenues to happiness. It’s about keeping my head up as I wander, looking forward instead of down. Not because of FOMO, rather, because of the importance of paying attention to and appreciating what’s here and now. The little things, like ducks, and the big things. 😉 Of course, it helps to exercise that ol’ peripheral vision. Like the rest of you, I try to keep from stumbling on the sidewalk cracks or getting tossed by a rogue wave.

Looking Ahead to a Fresh Start
Looking Down Does Help

And as ever, focusing reminds me of all that I have to be grateful for: life, love, home, health, the list is long and worth reflecting on. Always, but especially when life throws those unexpected resets your way. 😉

Thanks again for spending time here with me. I’m still slow to dive into social media, but I’m gradually returning to a few bits I enjoy, where I can engage with my friends and readers. Hope to see you there. And here again, soon!

#grateful #keepwriting #keepreading #writingcommunity #readingcommunity
